farm living

Danish company
It all started with wallpaper, or rather a lack of wallpaper… In 2005, I had just moved into a house with my husband, and I just couldn't find a wallpaper to our liking . So I decided to create my own, which resulted in ten different wallpaper designs. I applied to exhibit them at a trade fair in Denmark, but couldn't afford to make all ten designs, so with just one wallpaper and a handful of prints, ferm LIVING was born.
Most important to me, however, is that ferm LIVING reflects a set of values ​​that we can be proud of. Our greatest ambition is, and always has been, to inspire people to create the kind of space that makes them feel comfortable, that allows them to be themselves at home. A home, after all, is more than a collection of beautiful objects - it's where life happens.
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